The Dendrogrammer Code Documentation

dendrogrammer  Dendrogrammer version 1.0.3

The Dendrogrammer > dendrogrammer > Dendrogram class

Class Dendrogram class

The Dendrogram class encapulates most of the methods for drawing, removing, and redrawing the dendrogram and summary dendrogram (Some drawing methods are within the ClusterNode class.)

The constructor draws a dendrogram from the given ClusterTree.
It calls drawNode() to recursively draw the tree.
It calls setDragParams() to set up some functions as Raphael drag parameters for the threshold bar.
It calls drawThresholdBar() to draw the threshold bar onto the graph
It calls this.gui.showThreshold() to display the threshold value
It calls this.gui.showNoOfGroups(1) to display the no of Groups value initially as 1

Important Dendrogram attributes:
-thresholdBar - the dragable bar graphic object.
-groupList - the list of groups formed in response to a user command.
-isSummary - default false. Set to true if displaying summary dendrogram.

Some attributes are set in the constructor for tuning:
-leafLabelLength - the number of characters allowed for the leaf labels
-some thresholdBar dimensions
-some group band styling attributes


Dendrogram class ( cTreeIn , canvasIn , stylesIn , guiIn , axesIn )
cTreeIn <ClusterTree object > the filled cluster tree root node
canvasIn <Raphael canvas object> the Raphael canvas on which to draw the chart
stylesIn <Styles object > various styles used in the dendrogram such as line thickness.
guiIn <Gui object > an object giving access to user interface methods
axesIn <GraphAxes object> the axes for the graph



void addEvents ( nodeIn , guiIn , dendrogramIn )
Declares event handlers for the shape using the anonymous function.
Events for:
- mouseover, or tap in iPad
- mouseout, or tap something else in iPad
- mouse click, or tap in iPad

The parameters are passed here rather than referred to by "this" even when they are attributes local to the class because the "this" keyword has its scope hijacked by the event. The keyword, "this", becomes the event object during an event.
nodeIn <ClusterNode object> The cluster tree node concerned.
guiIn <Gui object> the gui.
dendrogramIn <object> (Dendrogram object) the dendrogram. Needed to avoid "this" keyword for event handling
Returns: void


void addEventsToBand ( groupIn , guiIn , dendrogramIn )
Declares event handlers for the shape using the anonymous function.
Events for:
- mouseover, or tap in iPad
- mouseout, or tap something else in iPad
- mouse click, or tap in iPad

The parameters are passed here rather than referred to by "this" even when they are attributes local to the class because the "this" keyword has its scope hijacked by the event. The keyword, "this", becomes the event object during an event.
groupIn <Group object> group which contains the band for the events
guiIn <Gui object> the gui
dendrogramIn <object> (Dendrogram object) the dendrogram. Needed to avoid "this" keyword for event handling
Returns: void


void appendGroups ( nodeIn , groupListIn , thresholdIn )
Appends cluster groups to a list

if the nodeIn is above the threshold then call itself recursively on childA and child B
else make a group from its descendants, append it to the list and return
nodeIn <Group object> the node being examined.
groupListIn <GroupList object> the groupList to hold the resulting groups.
thresholdIn <number> the threshold value used to define the groups.
Returns: void


void applyGroupingThreshold ( thresholdIn )
1) Defines groups of leaves based on a threshold mergeHt.
2) Overlays rectangles on the dendrogram to highlight. Those clusters below the threshold mergeHt form groups differentiated by colour or shading of the overlayed rectangles.
3) Display the details of the groups under the Groups tab.
4) Feedback to the user via a dialoge that all this has occured.

Given a threshold number, do a depth first search to find the first cluster below the threshold (with mergeHt < thresholdIn). The depth first search is carried out by the appendGroups() method which calls itself recursively. The search is started here by calling appendGroups with the tree root node.
thresholdIn <number> the threshold to be applied.
Returns: void


void displayGroupList ( groupListIn , messageIn )
Outputs details of the designated group list. Makes calls to this.displayOneGroup() and this.gui.notifyGroupFormation().
groupListIn <GroupList object> an array of groups.
messageIn <string> String to preceed the display of the list Each group is an array of leaves.
Returns: void


void displayOneGroup ( leafArrayIn , groupIdIn )
Displays a single group in a div on the groups tab by appending it to the current contents of the groups tab
leafArrayIn <Array of ClusterNode objects> the leaf array which represents the group
groupIdIn <string> a string identifier or label for the group
Returns: void


void drawCluster ( nodeIn )
Draws a given cluster node onto the dendrogram.
nodeIn <ClusterNode object> The cluster node to be drawn
Returns: void


void drawClusterSummary ( cutoffIn , nodeIn )
Draws a given cluster node onto the summary dendrogram.

if the nodeIn is not the root then check parent ht (i.e. ALWAYS draw the root)
if the xHt of the parent < cutoffIn
then set element and bounding box to null and return
set element and bounding box to null
set the left hand end to be the cutoffIn Ht and draw the new cluster
cutoffIn <number> the Ht at which the graph is truncated
nodeIn <ClusterNode object> The cluster node to be drawn.
Returns: void


void drawGroupBands ( groupListIn )
Loops through the given group list drawing bands on the graph. It alternates styling to create banding.

Makes calls on this.drawOverlayBand()
groupListIn <GroupList object> an array of groups.
Returns: void


boolean drawLeaf ( nodeIn )
Draws a leaf graphic element
nodeIn <ClusterNode object> The node describing the leaf
Returns: boolean
but value not used


void drawLeafLabel ( nodeIn )
Draws a text element on the graph next to the leaf.
nodeIn <ClusterNode object> The node describing the leaf
Returns: void


void drawLeafSummary ( nodeIn , cutoffIn )
Draws a leaf graphic element for the Summary dendrogram. Summary leaves are different to those on the normal chart. They have no base and vary in length if they are to be drawn at all.

If the xHt of the parent < cutoffIn then set element to null and return
set the left hand end to be the cutoffIn Ht and draw the leaf
nodeIn <ClusterNode object> The node describing the leaf (a Node)
cutoffIn <number> the Ht at which the graph is truncated
Returns: void


boolean drawNode ( nodeIn )
Draws the tree by starting with the root node and recursively calling itself.

Makes calls on this.drawCluster(), this.drawLeaf() and this.drawLeafLabel().
nodeIn <ClusterNode object> the node to be drawn
Returns: boolean
but value not used.


Boolean drawNodeSummary ( nodeIn , cutoffIn )
Draws the summary tree by starting with the root node and recursively calling itself

Makes calls on this.drawClusterSummary() and this.drawLeafSummary().
nodeIn <ClusterNode object> the node to be drawn
cutoffIn <number> the mergeHt below which nothing is to be drawn
Returns: Boolean
but value not used.


void drawOverlayBand ( groupListIn , the )
Takes a group and draws an overlay on the graph to delineate it. The band is a rectangle of length (the X dimension), thresholdIn. Its top and bottom (the Y dimension) defined by groupIn.topBound and groupIn.bottomBound

Makes a call on this.addEventsToBand().
groupListIn <Group object> an array of leaves.
the <number> threshold defining the groups
Returns: void


void drawSummary ( )
Draws a summary dendrogram truncated at the current threshold ht.
1) record the cutoff Ht from the threshold pos
2) clear the canvas by removing the paper object
3) set a new xaxis scale factor
4) create a new paper object of appropriate size
5) draw new axes
6) draw the summary dendrogram taking into account the cutoff
Returns: void


Boolean drawThresholdBar ( )
Draws the dragable threshold adjuster bar
Returns: Boolean
but value not used.


number getThresholdPos ( barIn )
Detects the threshold bar position and returns that in terms of the xaxis merge Ht.

Makes a call on this.canvas.getGraphXfromCvX().
barIn <graphic object> The threshold bar whose pos is to be detected
Returns: number
the xPos of the bar


void removeAll ( )
Removes all of the drawn elements including the axes
Returns: void


void removeGroups ( )
Removes the groups from the dendrogram
1) reset the grouplist
2) reset the threshold to max and its field
3) reset group no field to 1
4) undraw the bands

Makes calls on gui methods and the this.groupList.reset() method.
Returns: void


void restore ( )
Redraws the dendrogram after displaying truncated graph 1) clear the canvas by removing the paper object 2) resets the canvas originHt to 0 4) create a new paper object of appropriate size 5) draw new axes 6) draw the dendrogram
Returns: void


void setDragParams ( canvasIn , guiIn )
Sets Dendrogram properties to serve as parameters for the Raphael drag() method. Based on Dmitry's Graffle example

Makes a call on guiIn.showThreshold().
canvasIn <Canvas object> The canvas
guiIn <Gui object> The gui
Returns: void


number setThresholdBarToLess ( fractionIn )
Sets the threshold bar to one step down the merge Ht.
fractionIn <number> the fraction of the full travel to make each step e.g. 20 means each step is 1/20th of the full travel
Returns: number
the Merge Ht value of the new threshold position


number setThresholdBarToMatch ( thresholdIn )
Sets the threshold bar position in response to some other control
thresholdIn <number> the threshold to set
Returns: number
the Merge Ht value of the new threshold position


number setThresholdBarToMax ( )
Sets the threshold bar to the maximum merge Ht.
Returns: number
the Merge Ht value of the new threshold position


number setThresholdBarToMore ( fractionIn )
Sets the threshold bar to one step up the merge Ht.
fractionIn <number> the fraction of the full travel to make each step e.g. 20 means each step is 1/20th of the full travel
Returns: number
the Merge Ht value of the new threshold position


setThresholdBarToZero ( )
Sets the threshold bar to zero (or the origin Ht in the case of Summary graph)


void setThresholdForNoOfGroups ( noOfGroupsIn )
Sets the threshold to be one which will give the required no of groups.

Takes the given no of groups and by a binary search sucessively applies a new threshold until it finds one that fits the required no of groups and leaves the threshold bar set there.

The binary search is limited to 75 iterations if it does not find the right spot by then it stops and returns the nearest no of groups it could get.

Group formation can fail to achieve the number of requested groups. There are 4 ways this can occur
1) after 75 binary search iterations if some data set had many many clusters at very similar hieghts, it might be that the requested no. of groups was not reachable, due to running out of iterations. I recon this is highly unlikely at 75 iterations.
2) An impossible number of groups was requested (maybe a decimal, or less than 1, or greater than the number of leaves
3) if there are any leaves which merge at Ht zero then these cannot be allocated to separate groups. They must share a group with their zero Ht cluster mate.
4) if creating groups on a summary graph then if the threshold would need to be below the cutoff to create the requested number of groups then it won't go below the cutoff Ht.

Makes a call on: this.displayGroupList()

Also makes calls on a number of GroupList methods
noOfGroupsIn <number> the required no of groups
Returns: void


void styleCluster ( nodeIn )
Styles a given cluster
nodeIn <ClusterNode object> The cluster node to style (a Node)
Returns: void


void styleLeaf ( nodeIn )
Styles a given leaf
nodeIn <ClusterNode object> The leaf node to style
Returns: void

The Dendrogrammer © 2011 D.Robb (See Readme for MIT licence). These pages were created with YUIDoc Copyright © 2011 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.